Thursday, May 30, 2013

Time Extension For Premium Payments

This memo is in response to the Bulletin from the Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner dated May 23, 2013, related to the tornado emergency May 19-20, 2013. A copy of the bulletin is attached.
To comply with this bulletin, American National Property And Casualty Companies (ANPAC
®) will expand the offer of extensions of time to pay insurance premiums for affected Oklahoma policyholders in the following counties:
Caddo, Cleveland, Comanche, Creek, Garfield, Grant, Greer, Kiowa, Lincoln, Logan, McClain, Okfuskee, Oklahoma, Pawnee, Payne, and Pottawatomie.

This extension of time will not relieve the customer of any amount due. Earned premium will continue to accrue until the billing amount is eventually paid after the disaster declaration has ended. We will comply with the bulletin to provide the extension for a period of 30 days, unless extended by the state.
We will automatically notify customers whose policies are insured billed and have current amounts due. This will not include any policy on Easy Pay or that is mortgagee billed; those policies will continue to process under normal billing and collection processes. The notice we will mail to current policyholders with premium due is titled "Disaster Premium Notice" and includes the following message:

In response to the disaster in your area on or about May 20, and recognizing the potential impact on your life and property we are providing you the option of paying your current policy balance or deferring payment until a later date. Deferring your premium payment will not eliminate your obligation to pay for coverage provided by your policy. Your policy will remain in force at this time. You may be receiving this notice due to a change in your billing method from Easy Pay to insured bill.
Should you choose to pay the premium or a portion of it at this time, please return the bottom portion of this form with your check or you may pay on-line at
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If you have questions concerning the status of your policy, please contact your agent.
For Oklahoma commercial lines serviced at the Albany Office, you should encourage your clients to contact you or the company and request the needed extension prior to the policy lapsing or prior to the last day of coverage. Brian Austin will handle any requests by agent offices or insureds for extensions of time to pay the premium for Oklahoma policies. Please contact Brian at 1-800-843-3276, extension 5739, for such a request.
QUESTIONS? Please direct any questions you may have to your Multiple Line General Agent so he/she can secure answers from your Home Office Underwriting Manager.

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