1. Honey: Have a cough one-spoonful can quiet a nighttime cough better than cough syrups, or suppressants. Honey coats and soothes an irritated throat to help calm repeated coughing. It is generally safe and can be used repeatedly as needed. The recommended amount is two teaspoons per dose. [yummy] Caution: Older adults should check with their doctor to make sure the cough is not from a more serious condition that honey will not be able to help. In addition, if you have diabetes honey has high sugar content.
2. Liquid dish soap: if you encounter poison ivy or poison oak, washing the affected area with liquid dish soap within two hours of contact may prevent you from getting an itching red rash.
3. Tart cherry juice: Drinking tart cherry juice can help prevent gout attacks, relieve muscle soreness after exercise, and help with arthritis pain. It has a natural anti-inflammatory property, in a study patients who took a tablespoon of tart cherry juice concentrate twice a day for four months cut the frequency of soreness in half. Tart cherry juice is bright red and higher in antioxidants than its sweeter cousin black cherry or bing cherry juice.
4. Baby Shampoo: half shampoo and half-warm water is a simple way to clean eyelids that are itchy, red, or crusty. Gently cleaning the eyelid with a baby shampoo-wash this helps get rid of oil and bacteria, but will not sting your eyes, use this twice a day. Caution: baby shampoo should only be used on the lid, and never on the surface of the eye.
5. Menthol rub: Apply mentholated ointments i.e. (Vicks) this is a safe and cost-effective treatment for toenail fungus. First, wipe the affected nail with a cotton ball soaked in white vinegar, and then apply the Vapor Rub.
6. Witch hazel: This is a derived from the leaves and twigs of flowering shrub. For more then 100-years this extract has been used as an astringent to help tighten the skin and relieve inflammation. With a moisten pad of witch hazel that has been chilled you can relieve mild itching and irritation.
7. Ginger: Can help reduce nausea and relieve motion sickness. Take one gram of ginger an hour before surgery can reduce nausea and vomiting during the first 24 hours after surgery. People who are undergoing chemotherapy who take as little as one-quarter of a teaspoon of ginger daily for three days before chemo cut their nausea by 40%. Studies have found that small amounts of fresh or powdered ginger worked better than larger dose, and that ginger taken with anti-vomiting drugs worked better to control nausea than the drugs alone. If you are prone to motion sickness, eating one or two pieces of crystallized ginger before traveling may help. Caution: Ginger extract capsules are much stronger and may actually cause stomach upset. Do-Not go above two grams of ginger.
8. Water: Gargling with plain tap water can help cut the number of colds and respiratory infections you get, it can also help relieve symptoms if you are already sick. Gargling reduced bronchial irritation, whether with salt water or water with lemon and honey, as a safe, effective way to soothe and cleanse a sore throat.
Jerry Szeszulski (shoe shell ski)
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