Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Will Taxes Be Higher Or Lower In The Future?

Just want to make sure you are aware that we are running out of time! Taxes are going to be going up and it could be as soon as 2012. Either the Bush tax cuts will expire or the seated Congress of 2013 will look for more revenue in higher taxes. Where do taxes stand historically? Do you think we are at a high taxable time in history, or a low taxable time in history? Think about the things that require tax revenue.
• Social Security
• Medicare
• Defense of our Nation
• Interest payments on the debt
• Bailouts
• Infrastructure
• And the list goes on, and on… Taxes will go up and the increases will be massive
Do you want to pay full price for taxes or would you want to pay your taxes when they are on sale? Have you ever heard the story about the apple farmer? What if he was given the opportunity to pay tax on the seed that he was getting ready to plant? Alternatively, he could choose to pay taxes on the crop that he harvested. Which would you choose? By paying taxes on your money now, you would be paying much less than if you differ taxes until later when taxes could be higher. Tax differed does not mean tax-free. (Investing Answers, September 2 2011)


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May the grace of God’s favor, and His Peace, that is perfect well being, all necessary good, and all spiritual prosperity. Bring you freedom from fear, freedom from agitating passion, moral conflict. May it be multiplied to you in the full personal precise and correct knowledge of God and of Jesus the Christ. For His Divine power has bestowed upon us; all things that are requisite and suited to life and godliness, though the full personal knowledge of Him, who calls us by and to His own glory, and excellence virtue.

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