Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Retirement income guaranteed for life
So, you have saved some money to help supplement your Social Security and any other retirement income. How can you be sure your savings will last your entire life? American National has a lifetime income program; your income guaranteed never to run out! With American National’s Single Premium Immediate Annuity (S.P.I.A.) and it lets you turn part of your savings into a lifelong income stream. You get to choose a plan that will pay an income to you only, or joint life that will keep paying the income to your spouse after you have passed away. Just think about it, you get a monthly income for as long as you live and then you pass it onto a loved one for as long as they live, guaranteed to last your entire life. You are in complete control; you can choose from many sources. Such as savings accounts, CD’s, or IRAs, 401ks, and lump sum pension plan payouts. Payments to you start one month after you start the plan, and continue for as long as you both shall live. Just think of the peace of mind you will have knowing you will not out live your money. The monthly amount is locked in, to make it easy for you to budget for household expenses or even travel needs. If you die prematurely, before your payments equal your annuity purchase price, your money will not be lost. Oh no, no, no your beneficiary will be paid the difference. You can keep your hard-earned money in the family. Do you not think they need the money more than the government, hospital, or nursing home? The longer you live, the more you will collect. If you live a long life, you could collect thousands more than you put in. For more information, please feel free to call.


Jerry Szeszulski (shoe shell ski)
We Take A Personal Interest~ Protecting What You Value Most:
office 918-254-2578 x227 fax 918-254-2580
Visit our website at: http://tulsahomeauto.com/

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