Friday, December 30, 2011

Too Big to Fail

A recent audit of the Federal Reserve by the Government Accountability Office (G.A.O.) has produced amazing information: the fed bailed out banks, companies, and governments to the tune of $16 trillion. These loans were at zero, or almost zero percent interest. Did any of these companies make loans to you? Loans dried up for the American people but not for the top 1%.
Next Bloomberg, under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) unearthed 29,000 pages of Federal Reserve documents that said that $7.7 trillion of these loans went to JP Morgan, Bank of America, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley. I am not tell you this to spin a negative tale. I just want to remind you of what I have told you over, and over. The safest place to put your money is the insurance companies, and banks. This information proves it; the AIG bail out is additional evidence. The governments of this planet will print any amount of money to make sure banks and insurance companies stay viable or there is no monetary system!
Title: Secrets of the Bailout Now Told (The New Your Times, December 4, 2011
Title: Another Secret Federal Reserve Bailout, $7.7 Trillion This Time (The New American, November 29, 2011)
Title: Too Big to Fail Takes on New Meaning: New Documents Reveal $7.7 trillion in Secret Fed Loans to Banks (Registered Rep, November 28, 2011

Jerry Szeszulski(shoe shell ski)
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