Friday, December 30, 2011

Too Big to Fail

A recent audit of the Federal Reserve by the Government Accountability Office (G.A.O.) has produced amazing information: the fed bailed out banks, companies, and governments to the tune of $16 trillion. These loans were at zero, or almost zero percent interest. Did any of these companies make loans to you? Loans dried up for the American people but not for the top 1%.
Next Bloomberg, under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) unearthed 29,000 pages of Federal Reserve documents that said that $7.7 trillion of these loans went to JP Morgan, Bank of America, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley. I am not tell you this to spin a negative tale. I just want to remind you of what I have told you over, and over. The safest place to put your money is the insurance companies, and banks. This information proves it; the AIG bail out is additional evidence. The governments of this planet will print any amount of money to make sure banks and insurance companies stay viable or there is no monetary system!
Title: Secrets of the Bailout Now Told (The New Your Times, December 4, 2011
Title: Another Secret Federal Reserve Bailout, $7.7 Trillion This Time (The New American, November 29, 2011)
Title: Too Big to Fail Takes on New Meaning: New Documents Reveal $7.7 trillion in Secret Fed Loans to Banks (Registered Rep, November 28, 2011

Jerry Szeszulski(shoe shell ski)
We Take A Personal Interest~ Protecting What You Value Most:
office 918-254-2578 x227 fax 918-254-2580
Visit our website at:

Thursday, December 29, 2011

2012 Will Bring Amazing Opportunities for You

Most of the world’s stock markets are down for 2011, including our own. With all the giant increases lately, our markets are still down. The rest of the world is down even more. Canada is down 12%, Japan 14%, Hong Kong down 16 %, France down 17%, Germany down 15%, Russia down 20%, India down 31%, and China is down 28%. We will have an expensive and divisive election in 2012. Whatever the outcome, the American people will face a lot of troubles. Usually, the third year of a president’s term has positive results for the S&P 500. 2011 could be the first time a third year of a presidential term will see losses in the S&P 500 since 1939.


Jerry Szeszulski (shoe shell ski)
We Take A Personal Interest~ Protecting What You Value Most:
office 918-254-2578 x227 fax 918-254-2580
Visit our website at:

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Let’s be clear we have no way of knowing what will happen next in the world economy. Realistically, your best hope would be to protect what you have. Would not a great strategy be to have cash available to invest when this crisis reaches its final massive liquidating panic? I want to inspire you, who read this to, at the very least, investigate whether you should take action. Questions will help you do that, it forces you to think about your own answers. This will get you started on a grate conversation, either with me, or someone like me, about your hopes, your fears, and what I can do to help. I will give examples of some questions you should be able to answer…
1. Are we going to have inflation, deflation, or both?
2. Will the stock markets of the world be safe or dangerous?
3. What impact will higher taxes have on your investments?
4. Will lower benefits cause you to have a lower standard of living?
5. What happens if you outlive your income?

Let’s get started!


Jerry Szeszulski (shoe shell ski)
We Take A Personal Interest~ Protecting What You Value Most:
office 918-254-2578 x227 Visit our website at:

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Retirement income guaranteed for life
So, you have saved some money to help supplement your Social Security and any other retirement income. How can you be sure your savings will last your entire life? American National has a lifetime income program; your income guaranteed never to run out! With American National’s Single Premium Immediate Annuity (S.P.I.A.) and it lets you turn part of your savings into a lifelong income stream. You get to choose a plan that will pay an income to you only, or joint life that will keep paying the income to your spouse after you have passed away. Just think about it, you get a monthly income for as long as you live and then you pass it onto a loved one for as long as they live, guaranteed to last your entire life. You are in complete control; you can choose from many sources. Such as savings accounts, CD’s, or IRAs, 401ks, and lump sum pension plan payouts. Payments to you start one month after you start the plan, and continue for as long as you both shall live. Just think of the peace of mind you will have knowing you will not out live your money. The monthly amount is locked in, to make it easy for you to budget for household expenses or even travel needs. If you die prematurely, before your payments equal your annuity purchase price, your money will not be lost. Oh no, no, no your beneficiary will be paid the difference. You can keep your hard-earned money in the family. Do you not think they need the money more than the government, hospital, or nursing home? The longer you live, the more you will collect. If you live a long life, you could collect thousands more than you put in. For more information, please feel free to call.


Jerry Szeszulski (shoe shell ski)
We Take A Personal Interest~ Protecting What You Value Most:
office 918-254-2578 x227 fax 918-254-2580
Visit our website at:

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

COFFEE FILTERS Better than paper towels.

I'm passing another jewel of wisdom along to you. (Just a large part of my job in educating the public at large)!!!
Who knew! And you can buy 1,000 at the Dollar Tree for $1.00, even the large ones.

1. Cover bowls or dishes when cooking in the microwave. Coffee filters make excellent covers.

2. Clean windows, mirrors, and chrome... Coffee filters are lint-free so they'll leave windows sparkling.

3. Protect China by separating your good dishes with a coffee filter between each dish.

4. Filter broken cork from wine. If you break the cork when opening a wine bottle, filter the wine through
a coffee filter.

5. Protect a cast-iron skillet. Place a coffee filter in the skillet to absorb moisture and prevent rust.

6. Apply shoe polish. Ball up a lint-free coffee filter.

7. Recycle frying oil. After frying, strain oil through a sieve lined with a coffee filter.

8. Weigh chopped foods. Place chopped ingredients in a coffee filter on a kitchen scale.

9. Hold tacos. Coffee filters make convenient wrappers for messy foods.

10. Stop the soil from leaking out of a plant pot. Line a plant pot with a coffee filter to prevent the soil from
going through the drainage holes.

11. Prevent a Popsicle from dripping. Poke one or two holes as needed in a coffee filter.

12. Do you think we used expensive strips to wax eyebrows? Use strips of coffee filters..

13. Put a few in a plate and put your fried bacon, French fries, chicken fingers, etc on them.. It soaks out all
the grease.

14. Keep in the bathroom. They make great "razor nick fixers."

15. As a sewing backing. Use a filter as an easy-to-tear backing for embroidering or appliquéing soft fabrics.

16. Put baking soda into a coffee filter and insert into shoes or a closet to absorb or prevent odors.

17. Use them to strain soup stock and to tie fresh herbs in to put in soups and stews.

18 Use a coffee filter to prevent spilling when you add fluids to your car.

19. Use them as a spoon rest while cooking and clean up small counter spills.

20. Can use to hold dry ingredients when baking or when cutting a piece of fruit or veggies. Saves on having extra bowls to wash.

21. Use them to wrap Christmas ornaments for storage.

22. Use them to remove fingernail polish when out of cotton balls.

23. Use them to sprout seeds. Simply dampen the coffee filter, place seeds inside, fold it and place it into a
zip-lock plastic bag until they sprout.

24. Use coffee filters as blotting paper for pressed flowers. Place the flowers between two coffee filters and
put the coffee filters in phone book.

25. Use as a disposable "snack bowl" for popcorn, chips, etc.


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Eight-Home Remedies that work

1. Honey: Have a cough one-spoonful can quiet a nighttime cough better than cough syrups, or suppressants. Honey coats and soothes an irritated throat to help calm repeated coughing. It is generally safe and can be used repeatedly as needed. The recommended amount is two teaspoons per dose. [yummy] Caution: Older adults should check with their doctor to make sure the cough is not from a more serious condition that honey will not be able to help. In addition, if you have diabetes honey has high sugar content.
2. Liquid dish soap: if you encounter poison ivy or poison oak, washing the affected area with liquid dish soap within two hours of contact may prevent you from getting an itching red rash.
3. Tart cherry juice: Drinking tart cherry juice can help prevent gout attacks, relieve muscle soreness after exercise, and help with arthritis pain. It has a natural anti-inflammatory property, in a study patients who took a tablespoon of tart cherry juice concentrate twice a day for four months cut the frequency of soreness in half. Tart cherry juice is bright red and higher in antioxidants than its sweeter cousin black cherry or bing cherry juice.
4. Baby Shampoo: half shampoo and half-warm water is a simple way to clean eyelids that are itchy, red, or crusty. Gently cleaning the eyelid with a baby shampoo-wash this helps get rid of oil and bacteria, but will not sting your eyes, use this twice a day. Caution: baby shampoo should only be used on the lid, and never on the surface of the eye.
5. Menthol rub: Apply mentholated ointments i.e. (Vicks) this is a safe and cost-effective treatment for toenail fungus. First, wipe the affected nail with a cotton ball soaked in white vinegar, and then apply the Vapor Rub.
6. Witch hazel: This is a derived from the leaves and twigs of flowering shrub. For more then 100-years this extract has been used as an astringent to help tighten the skin and relieve inflammation. With a moisten pad of witch hazel that has been chilled you can relieve mild itching and irritation.
7. Ginger: Can help reduce nausea and relieve motion sickness. Take one gram of ginger an hour before surgery can reduce nausea and vomiting during the first 24 hours after surgery. People who are undergoing chemotherapy who take as little as one-quarter of a teaspoon of ginger daily for three days before chemo cut their nausea by 40%. Studies have found that small amounts of fresh or powdered ginger worked better than larger dose, and that ginger taken with anti-vomiting drugs worked better to control nausea than the drugs alone. If you are prone to motion sickness, eating one or two pieces of crystallized ginger before traveling may help. Caution: Ginger extract capsules are much stronger and may actually cause stomach upset. Do-Not go above two grams of ginger.
8. Water: Gargling with plain tap water can help cut the number of colds and respiratory infections you get, it can also help relieve symptoms if you are already sick. Gargling reduced bronchial irritation, whether with salt water or water with lemon and honey, as a safe, effective way to soothe and cleanse a sore throat.

Jerry Szeszulski (shoe shell ski)
We Take A Personal Interest~ Protecting What You Value Most:
office 918-254-2578 x227 fax 918-254-2580
Visit our website at:

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Most People Do Not Plan to Fail They Just Fail to Plan

The most important challenge facing our nation is finding a balance between our desire for government’s services and protection, and our willingness to pay for them. With so many people either working for the government, or dependent on the government, where are we going to get the money? If you check the latest national poverty statistics, more than at any time in the past four decades American’s are making the slide into poverty. Most vulnerable are people 55 to 64 one in 10 of whom now live below the poverty line. Over 800,000 people 45 to 64 lost health insurance. Social Security recipients will get a cost-of-living adjustment of 3.6% in 2012. That will help after 2 years of no increase. Some of that adjustment, however, will be offset by the rise in Medicare Part B premiums, which pay for doctor visits and other outpatient medical services. Recipients have suffered financially from the lack of COLA because out-of-pocket cost on which older adults spend much of their income continued to soar. One in two married couples and three in four single people rely on Social Security for at least half of their income. Question is what you are setting aside going to be enough? Are you going to retire into poverty? If you fail to plan, you have a plan for failure. For the cost of a cup of coffee at StarBucks, you could help yourself. By the way, the only person you can count on is yourself. When you feel it is the right time to start a plan or move a plan think about calling us, or someone like us to help you build your plan with safety and guarantees.

Jerry Szeszulski ( shoe shell ski)
We Take A Personal Interest~ Protecting What You Value Most
office 918-254-2578 x227 fax 918-254-2580
Visit our website at:

Monday, November 21, 2011

Ten Percent of All 65 Year Old's Will Live Into Their 90's

This is one of those articles that may blow your mind. Here are some statistics from the Actuarial Consultants Inc. and the Society of Actuaries: 50 percent of all 65-year olds will live to 91 year of age, and 10 percent of all 65-year olds will make it to 99 years old. What will they live on? Most will have exhausted their retirement accounts long before their deaths. When you plan for your life expectancy, the starting point should be age 100, and beyond.
We offer guaranteed lifetime income. Most people in American do not understand that they need a lifetime income until it is too late and they are out of money. I would say most people do not know they can get a lifetime income. What would it be like to live 10, 20, or even 30-years longer than your money did?
Title: Old, Older, Oldest (Planning, August 2011 pate-19)


Jerry Szeszulski ( shoe-shell-ski)
We Take A Personal Interest~ Protecting What You Value Most:office 918-254-2578 x227 Cell 918-8086656 fax 918-254-2580
Visit our website at:

May the grace of God’s favor, and His Peace, that is perfect well being, all necessary good, and all spiritual prosperity. Bring you freedom from fear, freedom from agitating passion, moral conflict. May it be multiplied to you in the full personal precise and correct knowledge of God and of Jesus the Christ. For His Divine power has bestowed upon us; all things that are requisite and suited to life and godliness, though the full personal knowledge of Him, who calls us by and to His own glory, and excellence virtue.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

More Claims Send Home Insuracne Cost UP Published: 11/14/2011 2:25 a.m.

The increasing damage from natural disasters in Oklahoma have caused home insurance rates to rise. Here a worker cleans off the roof of a house after a tornado hit Haskell in May. CORY YOUNG/Tulsa World file By LAURIE WINSLOW World Staff Writer

It seems Mother Nature has unleashed her ire on Oklahoma over the past few years, pummeling the state with tornados, hailstorms, wildfires, blizzards and now earthquakes, of all things.
Some home insurance policy holders, in turn, find themselves being hit with higher insurance rates.
One Tulsa World reader noted how his homeowners insurance was increasing from $856 to $1,501 a year due to the rise in nationwide disasters, as his insurance company explained to him.
While there is no way to quantify what percentage homeowners' insurance has increased or will increase, rates in Oklahoma have been rising to some degree for a while because of the number of severe storms, said Glenn Craven, communications officer with the Oklahoma Insurance Department.
"Every company is going to base its rate ... on its experience. Some may suffer significant losses from a storm because they have homes in that location, and other companies suffer less in the way of losses," Craven said.
Companies adjust their rates periodically over time, Craven said, and depending on their experience, some do it suddenly and others more subtly.

"Oklahoma has been ravaged by severe weather, wildfires and just about every weather-related disaster known to man, and that comes into play along with a lot of other factors when companies begin to establish their rates," said Jerry Johns, president of the Southwestern Insurance Information Service, a trade group that serves 85 percent of home insurers in Oklahoma and Texas.

Industry data show claimed losses on state home-owners policies more than quintupled from 2005 to 2010, according to a previous Tulsa World report.

Homeowner claims in Oklahoma surpassed $1 billion in 2008 and last year totaled more than $1.6 billion. That compares with $319.2 million in homeowner claims that Oklahoma insurers paid out in 2005 while collecting $804.1 million in premiums, based on statistics from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners.

"The last four years have really pointed out to us and the industry just how bad a bad year can be when it comes to wind and tornado activity. They've been very bad, obviously," said James Gillette, vice president of actuarial services for American National Property and Casualty, in a phone interview from Springfield, Mo. "When you're trying to come up with long-term averages if you think the worst an event can be is one number and it turns out to be twice that average, your numbers go up significantly."

Home insurance rates for Oklahoma clients of American National, which has about 13,000 homeowner policies in the state, have increased significantly in the last two to three years, with the first rate increase occurring in 2009, Gillette said.

Rates don't go up just because an insurer has lost a lot of money but because future costs are expected to be greater, Gillette added.

"We have seen a huge loss-severity increase year over year for the last five years in Oklahoma, particularly," said Gillette. The average loss severity, which refers to the amount paid out for claims incurred, has been going up between 12 percent and 15 percent over the last five years.

A lot of Oklahoma's losses over the last four years are related to roof replacement due to wind and hail damage. Gillette noted that roughly three-quarters of the premium dollars that are paid in Oklahoma go to wind and hail losses, which is extraordinary in the country.

Weather cannot be entirely blamed for the higher rates, Johns said, noting that other factors include a home's age, its location and construction. Johns added that he hasn't seen a consistent across-the-board pattern of companies raising rates.

John Lucido, state executive director of Farmers Insurance, agreed that home rates are increasing, but, again, how much depends on the company.

In August, Farmers Insurance raised home insurance rates about 8 percent on average for Oklahoma policy holders. But some home-owners saw a higher percentage increase than that and others lower, he said.

Information from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners shows that Farmers collected $159.8 million in premiums last year and paid out $274.2 million in claims.

Significant damage from several storms and not just one storm can cause rates to rise. With all of the terrible weather over the last couple of years, the industry has "just taken it on the chin," Lucido said. And different companies are handling it in different ways, one of which is raising rates.

"It has been an unusually busy year, probably our busiest on record for catastrophe claims," said Jeff Davis, a public affairs specialist for State Farm Insurance Cos. in Tulsa.

Through the third quarter, State Farm had handled 970,000 catastrophe claims, stretching from wildfires in western Texas to storm damage in Maine, and the company paid out $5 billion in catastrophe claims nationwide.

"Our rates are based on anticipated need to pay claims in the future, so we look over a long period of time and try to project the number of claims that we will have. ... It's in our best interest and our customers' best interest to not have large spikes when it comes to a rate increase," Davis said.
Based on information from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, State Farm, which is the state's largest insurer, last year collected $275.4 million in premiums in Oklahoma and paid out $405.5 million in claims.
Oklahoma Farm Bureau Insurance, which has more than 100,000 property policies and is the state's No. 1 insurer of farm and ranch policies and one of the top insurers of homes, last year raised rates anywhere from 5 percent to more than 30 percent based on different criteria for individual customers, said John Wiscaver, vice president of public affairs for the Oklahoma Farm Bureau.
He noted that the bureau looks at many factors and constantly tries to use better ways of assessing risk for individual customers and takes advantage of new underwriting actuarial processes.
"The goal is to try to price the product the best we can to keep it affordable for customers," Wiscaver said.

Insurance tips:
· Call your agent to set a time to review all your insurance policies. Auto, Home, Life and investments. Looking for gaps in coverage, overlaps that you may have with other policies at work, making sure you have protection for what you value most.
· Look to bundle your coverage, most insurance companies give bigger discounts for having all of your policies with one carrier.
· No company will constantly be the lowest, nor will they constantly be the highest. Staying with one Insurance company, having a personal agent who has good customer service can come in helpful at the point in time of lost. When you need coverage the most, saving money will be the last thing on your mind. Agent’s you can trust, insure you can trust could prove to be priceless.


Jerry Szeszulski ( Shoe-Shell-Ski)
We Take A Personal Interest~ Protecting What You Value Most:office 918-254-2578 x227 fax 918-254-2580
Visit our website at:

May the grace of God’s favor, and His Peace, that is perfect well being, all necessary good, and all spiritual prosperity. Bring you freedom from fear, freedom from agitating passion, moral conflict. May it be multiplied to you in the full personal precise and correct knowledge of God and of Jesus the Christ. For His Divine power has bestowed upon us; all things that are requisite and suited to life and godliness, though the full personal knowledge of Him, who calls us by and to His own glory, and excellence virtue.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Will Taxes Be Higher Or Lower In The Future?

Just want to make sure you are aware that we are running out of time! Taxes are going to be going up and it could be as soon as 2012. Either the Bush tax cuts will expire or the seated Congress of 2013 will look for more revenue in higher taxes. Where do taxes stand historically? Do you think we are at a high taxable time in history, or a low taxable time in history? Think about the things that require tax revenue.
• Social Security
• Medicare
• Defense of our Nation
• Interest payments on the debt
• Bailouts
• Infrastructure
• And the list goes on, and on… Taxes will go up and the increases will be massive
Do you want to pay full price for taxes or would you want to pay your taxes when they are on sale? Have you ever heard the story about the apple farmer? What if he was given the opportunity to pay tax on the seed that he was getting ready to plant? Alternatively, he could choose to pay taxes on the crop that he harvested. Which would you choose? By paying taxes on your money now, you would be paying much less than if you differ taxes until later when taxes could be higher. Tax differed does not mean tax-free. (Investing Answers, September 2 2011)


Jerry Szeszulski (shoe shell ski)
We Take A Personal Interest~ Protecting What You Value Most:
office 918-254-2578 x227 Cell 918-8086656 fax 918-254-2580
Visit our website at:

May the grace of God’s favor, and His Peace, that is perfect well being, all necessary good, and all spiritual prosperity. Bring you freedom from fear, freedom from agitating passion, moral conflict. May it be multiplied to you in the full personal precise and correct knowledge of God and of Jesus the Christ. For His Divine power has bestowed upon us; all things that are requisite and suited to life and godliness, though the full personal knowledge of Him, who calls us by and to His own glory, and excellence virtue.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Ten Tips to Prepare Your Home for an Earthquake

First thing to know about Oklahoma is to EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED. This week’s earthquakes were no exception. Below are ten tips to help you prepare your home for the surprises Mother Nature may have for us.
Preparing your home for an earthquake and developing a recovery plan. If you live in a fault area and are susceptible to frequent earthquakes, there are steps you can take to make your home more secure in the event of a disaster. If you don't think you have time to execute these measures - make time. These steps could reduce damage to your home and return you and your family to your normal, everyday lives. Remember: Earthquakes can happen at any time - without warning.
•Learn how to shut off gas, water, and electricity in your home in case of power line damaged.
•Check the stability of chimneys, roofs, and wall foundations. If you are living in a home built before 1935, make sure the house is bolted to the foundation. If your home is on a raised foundation, make sure the cripple, or short stud walls between the floor and foundation, are replaced with shear, or vertical walls that are used to stiffen the structural frame. If you have questions, contact a licensed contractor.
•Secure heavy furnishings.
•Secure your water heater and other appliances that could move and disrupt utility lines.
•You can use museum wax and other methods to secure smaller items and picture frames.
•Store breakable and heavy objects on lower shelves, in addition, use latches on cabinet doors.
•Keep all flammable and hazardous liquids, such as paints, pest sprays, and cleaning products, in cabinets or secured on low shelves.
•Maintain emergency food, water, medicine, a first aid kit, tools, and clothing for any disaster that may occur.
•Check with your insurance agent about the availability of earthquake insurance.
Here is a sight you may enjoy;
For an additional premium, we insure for direct, physical loss to property described in Coverages A, 8, and C
caused by Earthquake, including land shock waves or tremors, before, during, or after volcanic eruptions.
One or more earthquake shocks that occur within a seventy-two hour period shall constitute a single
Special Deductible
1. The deductible for loss covered under this earthquake endorsement is the amount determined by applying
the deductible percentage of 10% separately to each of the following:
(a) the limit as shown on the Declarations for COVERAGE A- DWELLING;
(b) the limit as shown on the Declarations for COVERAGE B-OTHER STRUCTURES;
(c) the limit as shown on the Declarations for COVERAGE C- PERSONAL PROPERTY PLUS the limit
of coverage provided under any Scheduled Personal Property Endorsements.
2. The minimum deductible amount for any one covered loss under Coverage; A, 8, or C shall be $500 for
Each coverage that applies to the loss.
Special Exclusions
1. We do not cover loss resulting directly or indirectly from flood of any nature or tidal wave, whether caused by, resulting from, contributed to, or aggravated by earthquake
2. We do not cover loss to exterior masonry Veneer. The value of exterior masonry veneer shall be deducted before applying the deductible clause. For the purpose of this exclusion, stucco shall not be considered masonry veneer.
This coverage does not increase the limits of liability stated in this policy and does not include the costs of filling land. All other provisions of this policy apply.
Please call us to find out what the annual cost to your home policy would be. Please make sure you are aware that there is a 10% deductible on Coverage. A, Coverage B, and Coverage C, In addition the coverage is not effective for 30 days after an earthquake when you are within 100 miles of the epicenter and the earthquake is over a 5.0 on the Richter scale.


Jerry Szeszulski ( + + = shoe shell ski)
We Take A Personal Interest~ Protecting What You Value Most:
office 918-254-2578 x227 Cell 918-8086656 fax 918-254-2580
Visit our website at:

May the grace of God’s favor, and His Peace, that is perfect well being, all necessary good, and all spiritual prosperity. Bring you freedom from fear, freedom from agitating passion, moral conflict. May it be multiplied to you in the full personal precise and correct knowledge of God and of Jesus the Christ. For His Divine power has bestowed upon us; all things that are requisite and suited to life and godliness, though the full personal knowledge of Him, who calls us by and to His own glory, and excellence virtue.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

When Is A Safe Haven Not Safe?

What people think is safe could turn out to be very dangerous. Are you pouring money into U.S. Treasuries thinking this is a safe haven? There could be real danger in putting your money in. The 10-year U.S. Treasuries has fallen off a cliff at 2.15%. That is a very low rate. When interest rates rise, the value of these bonds will go down. Do you think that interest rates are going to go up, or do you think that interest rates are going to keep going down? Higher interest rates will not be good for this long-term investor. Once again, the small-uninformed investor gets hurt.
Are there any better choices? I am glad you asked. Of course, I just happen to see them, they are annuities of all kinds, and single premium life insurance of all kinds would provide safety and favorable returns. When interest rates begin to rise, you could use free withdrawals to ladder your money up the interest rate cycle. CDs and money markets create a different challenge. The minute you invest in one of these, you are already losing money. If inflation currently stands at 3.61%, and you are buying a six-month CD paying .4%, you have already lost 3.21% of your purchasing power of the year. That means in 10-years, your money will only purchase half of what it use to purchase. Then you have to pay taxes on top of that.
Finally, in regards to gold, silver, Oil and other commodities, you should have some of all of these. However, many people now think of these as safe havens. They will be wrong. There are many technical reasons why, however, the most important one is this. Governments manipulate prices! When the governments of the world decide to manipulate these prices, many people will-be-caught in something they don not understand.
Here are some articles I hope help.
•Title: Those Safe Havens You’ve Been Flocking to Aren’t So Safe The Wall Street Journal

•Title: The Hidden Dangers in Safe Havens The New York Times

•Title: Market Rout—The Sound of Bursting Bubbles THE SCEPTICAL MARKET OBSERVER

If you want to get your money safe, risk free, worry free give me, or someone like me a call


Jerry Szeszulski (shoe shell ski)
We Take A Personal Interest~ Protecting What You Value Most:
office 918-254-2578 x227 Cell 918-8086656 fax 918-254-2580
Visit our website at:

May the grace of God’s favor, and His Peace, that is perfect well being, all necessary good, and all spiritual prosperity. Bring you freedom from fear, freedom from agitating passion, moral conflict. May it be multiplied to you in the full personal precise and correct knowledge of God and of Jesus the Christ. For His Divine power has bestowed upon us; all things that are requisite and suited to life and godliness, though the full personal knowledge of Him, who calls us by and to His own glory, and excellence virtue.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Safety First, financial security, Peace of mind… and I want it Now please!!

Guess what, a recent study said…37 % of us argue about money in the good old U.S. of A. Not being on the same page can cause tension in many relationships. 42%, from the same study said we feel someone in our relationship ( and it’s not us hee hee) speeds too much money. Question; How confident are you that you will have enough money left after all this volatility to retire someday? According to Retirement Confidence Survey 23% of us are not too confident. 27% say they are not at all confident that they will have enough money to retirement. So half of us think we are going to have to retire. It could cause us to die with our boots on. How does that make you feel? What half do you think you are in? Do you want to change that? I know which half I want to be in. Are we taking the steps that are leading us closer to having enough money for our futures, or further away? If you keep doing what you are doing, will you end up where you want to be? I think the first step can be the hardest. My advice is taking your eyes off yourself. Are you giving away time, talent, and money to help others who can never pay you back? If not why not, A key to getting where you want to go is help those around you. Next Determine where you feel your retirement income will come from. Is your plan Social Security and then keep working to fill in the gap that will be there? Survey says; 45% of us here in America retired earlier that we planned because of a health problem or disability. It is not only up to us to save for our future but we have to keep the money safe from loss as well. How much money would you have had if you had not lost so much so many times in the market? How much money will you need if you are ready to retire? Will you need 30% of your current income? Will you need 50% or more? Can you live on that? Maybe you are setting money aside each month for retirement. Have you made any mistakes that have lost you money? (Maybe you pay someone to make those mistakes for you) How many more mistakes can your savings take?
It is a good idea to set you a budget. Don’t do it to make yourself struggle, but it can help show areas where you might be able to trim back and free up some money to give away and even put some aside for when you will need it in the future. We can have the best plan and the best budget but if we do not help others and ourselves with the money that we set aside each month… news flash it won’t be there in the future. Survey says 100% of the money you do not save will not be there in the future. Are you taking advantage of tax-deferred investments, like your retirement plan at work, IRA’s, annuities? All of these can potentially grow faster than taxable accounts. Remember Number one rule ‘stop losing your money’. If that is also your rule, or you want it to become your new rule call me or someone like me that can help keep you safe!
If you have and old 401(k) from long, long ago, or some old accounts that rolled into something else. If you are retiring or just changing jobs, make sure you do not make another costly mistake with that money you have worked so hard to save. Here are some options to consider carefully.
•You can leave your money right where it is.
•You could take the money out and spend it
•You could move it directly to another tax-deferred account. IRA rollover account.
1.Leaving it where it is. If you like, what your money is doing, how it is performing… well if it’s not broke don’t fix it.
2.Spend it; I am sure it might be tempting to take the cash and splurge or pay off debt that is something to think about. A couple of things to remember you are spending money now that you many need to live on latter. I know sometimes you just have to do what you have to do, but I want to help you make a conscience decision not one were you do not have all the facts. You may already know. Your employer must withhold 20% from the distribution as a ‘down payment’ on your federal income tax bill for that year. Isn’t that nice of them to help us like that. Depending on your age, there could be another 10% early withdrawal penalty as well. Bottom line you may end up with much less than you expected. Let’s look at an example of the cost of cashing out a retirement plan. Say you had $50,000.00 you will need to subtract around $12,500 and then that 10% penalty will take away another $5,000, leaving only $32,500.00. If you had keep the $50,000.00 and only earned 3% over the next 20-years that could have added up to over $80,000.00 and it would have been 100% safe.
3.Roll it over: number one rule ‘keep it safe’ and working for you. Please do not forget the number one goal is to keep you safe so that all your retirement dollars will stay yours and stay working for you.
Finally remember the 2011 DALBAR study; in one of the greatest stock markets in the U.S. history from 1990 to 2000, investors in the S & P 500 earned an average return of only 3.83%. That was before the four biggest economies in turmoil at the same time… How are you doing? Can you afford to make yet another mistake by not getting your money into safety? The hope is to help you understand the danger that lurks in our very near future to our invested dollars. How can anyone think that it is Okay to invest with the kind of world economic turmoil that is all over. Number one goal, Keep your money safe, so that you will have some money left if you want to take advantage of opportunities. What a great time to do what you know is the right thing. Let’s get started. 918-254-2578 x227
Best Regards,

Jerry Szeszulski (Shoe-Shell-Ski)